Posted by: Konryu | November 4, 2008

My Vows to the Lotus Sutra

Praise the Lord ! Our Lord Buddha Sakyamuni ! The Eternal Buddha as preached in  Chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra !

Witness the undertaking of my Faith & Vows to the Sutra of the Wonderful Dharma of the Lotus Flower 妙法蓮華經.

Date: 24 Feb 2008 (Sun)

Place: Lotus Sutra Buddhist Association, Gojusan Daimoku-Ji 五重山題目

Event: Gojukai  for Samuel Hue

Preceptors: Rev Myosho Obata & Rev Kangyo Noda

All right so what happened? Me, one of the moonwalkers, decided to undertake officially the Gojukai  or Vows to the Lotus Sutra. The cermony is conduct by the Nichiren Shu 日蓮宗 branch temple in Singapore. The conferring of the Gohonzon 御本尊 or the Object of Devotion is also included in this conversion ceremony.

Eye-Opening of the Gohonzon 御本尊

Jukai  with the empowerment initiation by the Lotus Sutra in 8 volumes.
[Priest] “Until you attain Buddhahood, will you keep the Wonderful Precepts given by the Original Sakyamuni Buddha?
[Recipent, me] ” Yes, I will. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo 南無妙法蓮華經 .

[Priest] “Until you attain Buddhahood, will you keep the Great Mandala 曼荼羅 revealed by the Original Sakyamuni Buddha?
[Recipent, me] ” Yes, I will. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

[Priest] “Until you attain Buddhahood, will you keep the Daimoku 題目 founded by the Original Sakyamuni Buddha?
[Recipent, me] ” Yes, I will. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

Honzon Juyo or Bestowing of the Great Mandala Gohonzon 曼荼羅御本尊 .

Photo with both Rev’s
(From left: Rev Kangyo Noda, me & Rev Myosho Obata)

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