Posted by: moonwalker1 | October 21, 2007

6 Qualities of the Bodhisattva

The 6 Qualities of the Bodhisattva, which we all can meditate upon.

1 . Rooted in the Bodhi Mind, the Bodhisattva earnestly tread the path of supreme enlightenment. In daily life, the Bodhisattva does not forget about his vows and keeps in mind the Higher Goal. For without mindfulness of the Higher Goal of liberation of both self and others, life is mundane.

2. Through studying and learning the causes that led to the sufferings of all sentient beings, the Bodhisattva undertakes the responsibilities of first finding out the causes of suffering and formulating the right method for which to deliver each sentient being. By constantly thinking about sufferings of the world, the Bodhisattva portrays a spirited enactment of his great compassionate vow to deliver all beings.  In both action and inaction, the Bodhisattva always has us in his mind

3.  Through setting himself as an example, the Bodhisattva causes others to arouse interest and faith in the Dharma. And in so doing, he makes no discrimination between himself and others.

4.  By carrying out the teachings of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva liberates sentient beings earnestly – never giving up. He sets himself on fire and constantly pushes his limits for the sake of one and all.

5. Through actual understanding of the system of the law of cause and effect and dependent origination, the Bodhisattva rows the Dharma wheel by his sublime but systematic actions. The constant practice creates a momentum where other practitioners joins in and declare the dharma

6. Selflessly giving, the Bodhisattva actualises himself and others. Irregarless of race, religion, language, rich or poor, the Bodhisattva always has something for everyone.

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